The mutton fat jade
Calming, Grounding, Healing
White Jade, a variety of Nephrite jade, is also known as "mutton fat
jade" when it is a translucent white to light yellow; and "chicken bone"
jade when an opaque white to cream/light brown. It is quite a valuable
White Jade is a calming, grounding Nephrite jade that also protects the
wearer from negative energies. It brings peace, harmony and luck.
White Jade is also wonderful in the decision-making process, as it
blocks distractions, allowing for the best results to reveal themselves
(which makes it especially useful for children).
Emotional Healing
Coping with Grief, Emotional Body Purification, Emotional Healing,
Harmony, Rage Diffusing or Release, Relaxation, Serenity, Tranquility
Spiritual Healing
Aura Cleansing and Clearing, Balances Yin Energy, Connecting and
Communicating with Spirit Guides, Grounding, Healing, Past Life Recall,
Spiritual Learning through Dreams, Spiritual Protection
Heart, Root
Aries, Pisces
I enjoy peace and harmony in all areas of my life.